♥ hello to all stranger, welcome to melmo offical blogger. This story part of my world, if felt disturbed, just close away fucker. hate? berambus [!]. its easy babe ;) thanks for read:) I l o v e y o u gu y s ♥

Damn You !

 okehh , this story about someone yg aku TAK KENAL (!) 
Aku gylaa RIMAS dgn kao BODOH (!)
 And , kao call and call and call , erghh , sumpa aku rimas .
then bnyak miss num kao .
 dha aku tana knal , TANA KNAL LHAA ! TAK PHAM MALAY LANGUAGE kerh !
Psto , Aku ckp baek-2 kao naek LEMAK , panas doe !
huh (!) Damn it ,
Slmbe jeh curi num aku kad mem aku , ta malu pe . fuck off !
aku dha taken , kao tak caye . aku ckp aku sombong , kao ta cye .
abeh apa yg kao cye ? memantat jeh kao neh .
 -.- , num yg ta dknali tidak dilayan , sekian .
kbaiiiii (!)

ℒ ℴ v ℯ,
Melmo Nisa